I do not know about you but I love old books. If nothing else, thinking about the many people and many hands that have owned and touched such an old volume feels like a travel back in time. But reading some of them and comparing the style and content to our contemporary reality is also… Continue reading Federal Airways Manual of Operations 1941 – Chapter C, Airway Traffic Control Section
Tag: FAA
SESAR at ATC Global 2011 – Connecting vision with reality
Roger-Wilco was given a special opportunity to interview SESAR’s Chief Program Officer on the occasion of ATC Global 2011 and in particular in connection with SESAR Release 1, being presented as the most important SESAR deliverable for the year. Florian Guillermet talks to editor Steve Zerkowitz. Roger-Wilco: Looking at the details of SESAR Release 1,… Continue reading SESAR at ATC Global 2011 – Connecting vision with reality
Women in ATC – Echoes from the past
The subject of women in air traffic control is dear to my heart for several reasons one of which is that I did play a small role in setting the scene for girls to be eventually accepted as ATC cadets in Hungary. The real achievement belongs to the ladies themselves who completed the fight but… Continue reading Women in ATC – Echoes from the past
FAA Funds ADS-B for JetBlue
Low-cost carriers are not known for their willingness to pay for extra equipment that may be required to improve air traffic management. In this respect they are very much similar to their legacy brethren… Even when there is a clear business case, the mad rush to equip is usually conspicuous by its absence. There are… Continue reading FAA Funds ADS-B for JetBlue
The Story of Alpha Mike (Part 2)
The Road to Becoming an En-route Air Traffic Controller To continue with my story, let me just go back to that time when, in 1981, I received an Order transferring me to the Manila Area Control Center (ACC), eight years after I graduated from an air traffic control training course. The ATC staffing crisis –… Continue reading The Story of Alpha Mike (Part 2)
Women in Air Traffic Control
My original article about the difficult road women wanting to become air traffic controllers (and commercial pilots…) faced in the early days seems to have struck a chord in several parts of the world. First there was Aminda’s lovely contribution from the Philippines then Evon Russel contacted me on Facebook with a link to an… Continue reading Women in Air Traffic Control
ICNS 2011 – May 10-12, Herndon, VA., USA
Renovating the Global Air Transportation System The 2011 Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference addresses long term research and development as well as early implementation of integrated CNS technologies needed to enable NextGen and SESAR. The Conference is focused on providing an understanding of CNS programs, longer term plans, standards development, research, and ICNS… Continue reading ICNS 2011 – May 10-12, Herndon, VA., USA
Airfield expansion and renewal – Maximizing benefits while minimizing costs the key
Jeffrey Gagnon, a speaker at the Airfield Engineering and Asset Management Conference, talks to Bryan Camoens on the issues airfields are facing across the globe, as well as the challenges and solutions for airfield expansion and renewal projects. Bryan Camoens: What are some of the issues that airfields are facing across the globe? Jeffrey Gagnon: Airports… Continue reading Airfield expansion and renewal – Maximizing benefits while minimizing costs the key
NextGen in trouble?
Why is it almost a given that new air traffic management programs, big and small, usually end up in trouble, fail to deliver their promised benefits or drag on for years swallowing money like there was no tomorrow? We could count on one hand the number of truly successful ATM projects of any significance. Doubts… Continue reading NextGen in trouble?
Anniversary – TWA midair collision over New York 50 years ago
16 December 1960 started like any other December day in New York City. It was foggy and the holiday preparations were in full swing. As the Friday early morning commute went into overdrive, few people suspected that the deadliest air disaster in US history to that date was about to happen right over their heads,… Continue reading Anniversary – TWA midair collision over New York 50 years ago