Good news for General Aviation – Light at the end of the EASA tunnel

The French-led working group that aims to create a new world of light-touch regulation for European general aviation has produced a set of guiding principles for EASA which will be considered by the Agency’s Board of Management next week. Although the full details are confidential, the basic tenets are that there should be no regulation… Continue reading Good news for General Aviation – Light at the end of the EASA tunnel

Why is the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) wary of consultants?

OK, you may say that consultants have made a bad name for themselves and you would be partially right. In some industries some of them have and we all suffer the consequences to some degree. But on the other hand, many companies have found considerable cost savings in the use of consultants who will perform… Continue reading Why is the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) wary of consultants?

Air-ground voice communications – the vital and often weakest link. New guide from EUROCONTROL for GA pilots

It is a curious fact of life in air traffic management that it is impossible to do ATC without proper communications yet the air-ground voice communications system as we know it to-day is both a hindrance to increasing capacity and a potential source of serious incidents. The former is due to the fact that a… Continue reading Air-ground voice communications – the vital and often weakest link. New guide from EUROCONTROL for GA pilots

FAA releases final rule on ADS-B

It has been some time in coming, but finally here it is, the FAA’s final rule on ADS-B. This final rule amends FAA regulations by adding equipage requirements and performance standards for Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS–B) Out avionics on aircraft operating in Classes A, B, and C airspace, as well as certain other specified classes… Continue reading FAA releases final rule on ADS-B