That Apple and Samsung are at each other’s throats over the Galaxy range of smartphones and tabs is no news. Of course if we look at the details, the situation is nothing short of ridiculous. Basically, Apple had claimed originally that not only did the interface on the Galaxy infringe its patents, but the form… Continue reading Intellectual Property Rights – the sky is the limit?
Alternate Position, Navigation and Timing (APNT) – What is this?
In any conversation about satellite navigation and the use of enablers like GPS, talk inevitably shifts to the risks and the ease with which GPS for instance can be jammed. It is easy to sketch doomsday scenarios with a full-scale GPS outage once NextGen and SESAR are operational, making the industry essentially dependent on signals… Continue reading Alternate Position, Navigation and Timing (APNT) – What is this?
Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – EC White Paper
For many years now aviation lived under the shadow of demands that envisaged solving environmental and congestion problems by capping aviation growth. Misguided and economically damaging as this idea was, it was getting traction in various fora in Europe, sending shivers across the industry. With the publication of the EC White Paper entitled “Roadmap to… Continue reading Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – EC White Paper
EGNOS is here now – should you care?
Few other new aviation systems have generated as much controversy and opposition from the airspace user community as EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. Like the US Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), EGNOS enables precision approach procedures to be implemented using only space-based signals. As such, it is one possible future replacement of ILS.… Continue reading EGNOS is here now – should you care?
Interesting people, unusual flight plans…
Patrick Ky – From Wissous to the helm of SESAR Patrick Ky is the Executive Director of the SESAR Joint Undertaking. What were you dreaming of becoming when you were a kid? At first I was dreaming of becoming a football star! In time this changed to pilot… I wanted to be a commercial pilot.… Continue reading Interesting people, unusual flight plans…
EGNOS open service available
Quote from an airspace user position paper dated 1 July 2003: “Finally, the airspace users would like to recall that they have resisted the development of the European Geostationary Overlay System (EGNOS), which has been mainly developed for political reasons and for which all attempts to build a credible aviation business case have failed. As a… Continue reading EGNOS open service available