Having airspace users on board in SESAR is an important development by anyone’s measure. Thinking that having individual airlines involved is the same as having the industry involved is a grave mistake that can cost dearly to all concerned. The signs of trouble are already there. What do you think about there being a hard-won… Continue reading It is not easy to work with the airlines – Why the SJU should be careful
Low Fare Airlines – ATM Nightmare of the Future?
There are two distinct schools of thought about how low fare airlines will evolve in the future. According to departing IATA boss Bisignani talking to Aviation Week, in Europe the model used by the low cost carriers, namely opening new point to point connections to secondary airports, will run out of steam within a year… Continue reading Low Fare Airlines – ATM Nightmare of the Future?
Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) for aviation needs major repair
When you drive on France’s motorways, you pay for the privilege. In return you get first class asphalt, nice rest areas and a means to cover the vast distances of that country safely and efficiently. When Austria introduced their road toll system, the money went to refurbishing their aging motorways and to building new ones.… Continue reading Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) for aviation needs major repair
Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – the EC’s biggest blunder?
That the EC meant well when they originally came up with the idea of Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) is not in question. That they did not anticipate the monster they were creating can be put down to the engaging naivety of someone venturing into the jungle of European air traffic management for the first time.… Continue reading Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – the EC’s biggest blunder?
SESAR at ATC Global 2011 – Connecting vision with reality
Roger-Wilco was given a special opportunity to interview SESAR’s Chief Program Officer on the occasion of ATC Global 2011 and in particular in connection with SESAR Release 1, being presented as the most important SESAR deliverable for the year. Florian Guillermet talks to editor Steve Zerkowitz. Roger-Wilco: Looking at the details of SESAR Release 1,… Continue reading SESAR at ATC Global 2011 – Connecting vision with reality
First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011
At the biggest international Air Traffic Management exhibition, ATC Global being held this week in Amsterdam, the SESAR Joint Undertaking presents the first components of the future European ATM system. The aim of this first SESAR Release is to group projects and validation exercises and to start delivering together with the 49 SESAR members and… Continue reading First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011
FAA Funds ADS-B for JetBlue
Low-cost carriers are not known for their willingness to pay for extra equipment that may be required to improve air traffic management. In this respect they are very much similar to their legacy brethren… Even when there is a clear business case, the mad rush to equip is usually conspicuous by its absence. There are… Continue reading FAA Funds ADS-B for JetBlue
New clouds on the Mode-S/ADS-B horizon in Europe
Most of those who took part in the epic battle over the introduction of Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) have either retired, moved to other activities or flew west to greener pastures but I guess there is still a hard core who will remember how the airspace users lost that one to the three big… Continue reading New clouds on the Mode-S/ADS-B horizon in Europe
Incentives for Early Airborne CPDLC Equipage
The LINK 2000+ programme has been working on the definition of incentives schemes for early airborne equipage since 2005. Various creative schemes were explored with stakeholders, such as reduced route charges for those that equip early. However, it proved impossible to get stakeholders to commit to such schemes even though the principles of the route… Continue reading Incentives for Early Airborne CPDLC Equipage
EGNOS is here now – should you care?
Few other new aviation systems have generated as much controversy and opposition from the airspace user community as EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. Like the US Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), EGNOS enables precision approach procedures to be implemented using only space-based signals. As such, it is one possible future replacement of ILS.… Continue reading EGNOS is here now – should you care?