One way of dividing the world population might be to form two groups: readers of Time and readers of Newsweek. I have been an avid reader of Time magazine ever since my English reached a level good enough to peruse the publication in the mid-sixties. Arrival of the magazine has been the highlight of the… Continue reading Electronics creeping up on me…
Recat – What is this?
What if you had a magic wand and by simply waving it, you could create a new runway at your congested airport? Well, Recat which stands for Recategorization of ICAO wake turbulence standards does just that. Not by actually pouring new concrete but by creating additional capacity that, at some airports, creates additional capacity that… Continue reading Recat – What is this?
Last week during the 9th ALTA Airline Leaders Forum in Panama City, Panama, aviation associations signed the Joint Declaration on Airport and Air Navigation Service Infrastructure. The Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), came together with the Airports Council International (ACI), the Airports Council International – Latin America and Caribbean (ACI-LAC), the Latin American and… Continue reading JOINT DECLARATION URGES GOVERNMENTS TO DEVELOP AIR TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE
In his first public address, the newly-appointed Director General of the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) Jeff Poole called on the international aviation community assembled at the 12th ICAO Air Navigation Conference to embrace change and collaboration in order to achieve the long-held vision of a globally harmonised and interoperable air navigation system. Jeff… Continue reading CANSO’S NEW DIRECTOR GENERAL LISTS TOP INDUSTRY PRIORITIES
New ICAO Flight Plan goes live on 15 November
The worldwide implementation of ICAO Flight Plan changes take effect this week on 15 November 2012. The amendments to flight plan content go to the very core of flight plan processing. 15 November 2012 is the ultimate deadline: after that date, current or old format flight plan messages will no longer be accepted. Aircraft Operators… Continue reading New ICAO Flight Plan goes live on 15 November
Listening Session on the Protection of Safety Information Scheduled for December in Washington, DC
The Flight Safety Foundation is an independent, non-profit, international organization engaged in research, education, advocacy and publishing to improve aviation safety. The Foundation’s mission is to be the leading voice of safety for the global aerospace community. They have just announced that a working group of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) Safety Information Protection Task Force… Continue reading Listening Session on the Protection of Safety Information Scheduled for December in Washington, DC
Fragmentation then and now…
In previous writings on the problems we see with the concept of Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB), the authors have often compared the European ATM fragmentation the nine FABs are bringing to the situation we had back in the early 70s. Like all comparisons, this one is not perfect by far, but there are enough similarities to… Continue reading Fragmentation then and now…
Good news for General Aviation – Light at the end of the EASA tunnel
The French-led working group that aims to create a new world of light-touch regulation for European general aviation has produced a set of guiding principles for EASA which will be considered by the Agency’s Board of Management next week. Although the full details are confidential, the basic tenets are that there should be no regulation… Continue reading Good news for General Aviation – Light at the end of the EASA tunnel
ASBU – What is this?
ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades Although air traffic demand is not growing evenely everywhere, almost no part of the world is without some kind of air traffic management modernization project. In terms of overall cutting edge concepts and technology plans, the US, Europe and Japan are the undisputed leaders. At the same time, other regions… Continue reading ASBU – What is this?