The basics If you are working in aviation, chances are you have seen an ICAO Flight Plan. Something that looks like the example here. It is a strange looking document showing clearly its origins in a world where clattering teletype machines were considered modern communications means. The double chevrons pointing left indicate “carriage return” and… Continue reading The ICAO Flight Plan – changes are coming!
The transition from AIS through AIM to IM – What is this?
A global congress with this title will make even the aficionados of abbreviations shiver… AIS, AIM, IM… What is next? UR? Well, the funny thing is, the title is perfectly correct and abbreviations or not, it reflects one of the most profound changes ever in the way information is collected, promulgated and used in international… Continue reading The transition from AIS through AIM to IM – What is this?
Global AIM Congress – 22-24 June 2010, Beijing, China
The Global AIM Consortium is pleased to announce that the 2010 Global AIM Congress entitled “Building the Future – The transition from AIS through AIM to IM” will be held in Beijing on the 22-24th June 2010. As usual, workshops will be held on the Monday ahead of the Congress, 21 June 2010. The Consortium… Continue reading Global AIM Congress – 22-24 June 2010, Beijing, China
NOTAM goes digital
What is a NOTAM? There are a few things in aviation that have survived over the years with so little change as the NOTAM, in spite of its numerous, known shortcomings. NOTAM is a quasi-acronym for Notice to Airmen, a system of providing aeronautical information introduced well over 60 years ago. NOTAMs… we have all… Continue reading NOTAM goes digital
Glossary of Air Traffic Management terms and definitions
Ever since my first tentative steps into the world of ICAO provisions and the hard learned lessons about the need to use terminology properly even to a fault, I had this thing about texts that were lax and inconsistent in terminology use. To put it bluntly, I hated them. Not only do they fail to… Continue reading Glossary of Air Traffic Management terms and definitions
Environment. The Copenflop – Is aviation better off now?
We all remember how seriously aviation had been preparing for the UN environmental conference held earlier this month in Copenhagen. Led by IATA, the aviation industry arrived with concrete proposals and plans which were seen by several non-aviation experts as templates suitable also for other industries. Once the conference kicked off, aviation experts must have… Continue reading Environment. The Copenflop – Is aviation better off now?
What is wrong with Performance Based Navigation (PBN)?
Exactly one third, that is what! The P is ok, the B is ok but the N? That is what is wrong and in a big way too! Let me explain. Recently we had a very successful workshop on PBN and the agenda included a presentation on modern surveillance techniques and another one on cost-benefit… Continue reading What is wrong with Performance Based Navigation (PBN)?
Successful "Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Workshop" in Budapest
Although the concept of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) is generally known, when it comes to filling in the details, there is a lot of uncertainty, misunderstandings and even diverging views on what exactly should we understand under PBN. Big organizations like ICAO and EUROCONTROL are doing their best to clarify things but clearly, more is… Continue reading Successful "Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Workshop" in Budapest
Single Sky Committee unanimously supports Aeronautical Data and Information Quality (ADQ) Implementing Rule
The drive is on to transform Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) into Aeronautical Information Management (AIM). This is needed to set the scene for the introduction of System Wide Information Management (SWIM), the ultimate goal of the activity. The change from AIS to AIM is primarily the morphing of the traditional, package based aeronautical information system… Continue reading Single Sky Committee unanimously supports Aeronautical Data and Information Quality (ADQ) Implementing Rule
Wake turbulence gone with the wind – the CREDOS project
The problem of vortices There are two kinds of dangerous phenomena behind large aircraft. Jet wash and wingtip vortices. These are the most important components of what is commonly referred to as “wake turbulence”. The intensity of this turbulence depends on a number of factors, among them the mass of the aircraft concerned. Jet-wash is… Continue reading Wake turbulence gone with the wind – the CREDOS project