Volcano kicks European ATM cooperation into high gear

In the past, programs to improve European air traffic management went under the name EATCHIP (1 to many) and the results were meager at best. More recently we got the Single European Sky (SES 1 and now 2) and of course SESAR. Introduction of SES was a major problem even for the European Commission powerhouse… Continue reading Volcano kicks European ATM cooperation into high gear

Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet

By Bill McKibben Publisher: Times Books ISBN: 978-0805090567 Although the recent disruption caused by the Icelandic volcano was not connected to global warming as such, it did demonstrate to all who cared to stop and consider the event just what nature in a bad mood can do to our way of living. Although aviation was… Continue reading Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet

Volcanic Ash, an awesome danger

Despite the great beauty of many things found in nature, some also present a great danger to mankinds’ activities. The unprecedented closure of so much of Europe’s airspace highlights the problems caused by volcanic ash. This is not just an issue for airlines and the travelling public, but also affects the whole economy and all… Continue reading Volcanic Ash, an awesome danger

A propos volcano – Are we preparing for the wrong things?

It is amazing how easy it is to bring aviation to its knees. An errant volcano on Iceland, winds blowing in the wrong direction and air transportation in Europe and beyond comes to a grinding halt as country after country closes their airspace to protect the traveling public. Volcanic ash is very bad news for… Continue reading A propos volcano – Are we preparing for the wrong things?