20 October – ATCO day

The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA) was founded on 20 October 1961 by 12 European national ATC associations. On its 20th anniversary on 20 October 1981 IFATCA decided to name the day “the day of the controller” and ever since member associations have celebrated 20 October as the International Day of the… Continue reading 20 October – ATCO day

8.33 kHz Channel spacing – what is this?

The radio spectrum, a scarce resort One of the most basic activities in a cockpit is tuning the radio to the assigned frequency of whoever we want to talk to. Contacting ground control, the tower or one’s own company is done by turning a few knobs until the right numbers show in the radio control… Continue reading 8.33 kHz Channel spacing – what is this?

Staff associations officially involved in SESAR – essential but…

As made known by SESAR News 2, five major staff associations representing a wide range of professional operational and technical skills across the ATM domains (e.g. pilots, air traffic controllers and assistants, handling staff, flight and air traffic safety electronics engineers etc.) are currently signing framework contracts with the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) through EUROCONTROL… Continue reading Staff associations officially involved in SESAR – essential but…

Interesting people, unusual flight plans…

Istvan Bozsa – forever controller What were you dreaming of becoming when you were a kid? We lived near the airport and I was dreaming of becoming a pilot from very early on. I remember how we took the bike to ride all the way to the perimeter fence and watch the planes for hours… Continue reading Interesting people, unusual flight plans…

20 October – ATCO day

Air traffic control centers are often far away from the airports and the sunscreen glass of the control towers (which for the time being at least tend to be on the airport…) prevents people from getting a glimpse of those inside. To pilots and vehicle drivers on the airport surface, the voices may be familiar,… Continue reading 20 October – ATCO day

Under Control – The story of The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations

By Neil Vidler Publisher: IFATCA ISBN – 0-646-40574-8 A book written about the history of a professional association, published by the same association, will tend to present events from their particular point of view and Neil Vidler’s work on IFATCA is no exception. 318 pages of sometimes laborious text that is no doubt factually correct… Continue reading Under Control – The story of The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations