At the recent meeting of the Project Steering Group on Data Link, it was revealed that some States will not be able to meet the 7 February 2013 date by which “all LINK Region ANSPs shall have implemented an operational compliant system”. One State actually reported that they will not be ready before 2019! The… Continue reading If the European Commission’s Implementing Rule is not enough to jump-start data link, what is?
Tag: Implementing Rule
Are Airspace Users Really the Centre of ANSP Attention?
More than a decade ago I was in the thick of a war raging between airspace users and air navigation service providers. At stake was the forced implementation of Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (ES), something some ANSPs considered to be vital while the airspace users in general considered to be an expensive folly. The business… Continue reading Are Airspace Users Really the Centre of ANSP Attention?