The Single European Sky: 10 years on and still not delivering

We bring you here, in full and unedited, the speech of Mr. Siim Kallas, European Commission Vice-President and Commissioner for Transport delivered at the Single European Sky conference at Limassol, Cyprus, on 11 October 2012. As Editor of Roger-Wilco, I would only like to add a few words: how many times have we warned that… Continue reading The Single European Sky: 10 years on and still not delivering

European Parliament vote endorses new rules for investigation and prevention of aviation accidents

Like so many things in united but still fragmented Europe, the investigation of aviation accidents has long been an area where differing State legislations rules the day and often prevented vital information from being shared to improve future safety or, conversely, the abuse of information by judiciary authorities to allocate blame rather than to learn… Continue reading European Parliament vote endorses new rules for investigation and prevention of aviation accidents