Tired of your old shoes? Do not throw them away! They may be the new source of jet fuel…

Next time you see a standard 40-feet shipping container have a closer look. It may be that your neighbors are moving… or it may be a modular-enclosed photo-bioreactor nurturing algae from which jet fuel can be made. This technology is truly amazing. The amount of algae you can produce at any one time depends on… Continue reading Tired of your old shoes? Do not throw them away! They may be the new source of jet fuel…

Copenflop fall-out – what next?

The Copenhagen environment conference was supposed to bring solutions to the problems nearer. The conference was a complete flop, certainly in respect of aviation. Of course, trusting anything this serious to politicians is a bad idea to begin with, but this is the world we live in. We must trust them to get it right… Continue reading Copenflop fall-out – what next?