The Mortal Sin of not Taking CPDLC Seriously

CPDLC… Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications. It all started when experts predicted that with the increasing demand, congestion on the air traffic control frequencies will make communications impossible and hence a cap will have to be put on the number of aircraft being served simultaneously, severely restricting ATC capacity. CPDLC is in fact non-verbal communications… Continue reading The Mortal Sin of not Taking CPDLC Seriously

New A-CDM Implementation Manual available now.

Nine years ago one of the very first projects BluSky Services won from EUROCONTROL was the writing and production of the A-CDM Implementation Manual. Having been involved in Collaborative Decision Making from the time when the concept was first put forward by the original CDM Group in the US (led by US Airways), this task… Continue reading New A-CDM Implementation Manual available now.

Federal Airways Manual of Operations 1941 – Chapter C, Airway Traffic Control Section

I do not know about you but I love old books. If nothing else, thinking about the many people and many hands that have owned and touched such an old volume feels like a travel back in time. But reading some of them and comparing the style and content to our contemporary reality is also… Continue reading Federal Airways Manual of Operations 1941 – Chapter C, Airway Traffic Control Section

Terrain and Obstacle Data Manual

Publisher: EUROCONTROL The first draft of the Terrain and Obstacle Data (TOD) Manual has been released on 16 June 2010. Its creators, the TOD Project Team is aware of a number of areas where information is still awaited to complete the document, which will be addressed in the next release. These sections are highlighted in… Continue reading Terrain and Obstacle Data Manual