David McMillan, EUROCONTROL Director General, Assumes Chair of Flight Safety Foundation

The Flight Safety Foundation  is an independent, non-profit, international organization engaged in research, education, advocacy and publishing to improve aviation safety. The Foundation’s mission is to be the leading voice of safety for the global aerospace community. It was announced today that EUROCONTROL Director General David McMillan has become the new Chairman of the FSF Board… Continue reading David McMillan, EUROCONTROL Director General, Assumes Chair of Flight Safety Foundation

SESAR Catch 22

When SESAR was launched all kinds of claims were made for why it would succeed where every other project before it had failed. It was certainly bigger and more all-encompassing than its predecessors; there was more, far more, money involved than ever before; and it had the backing of the EU’s Single European Sky initiative.… Continue reading SESAR Catch 22