Are Airspace Users Really the Centre of ANSP Attention?

More than a decade ago I was in the thick of a war raging between airspace users and air navigation service providers. At stake was the forced implementation of Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (ES), something some ANSPs considered to be vital while the airspace users in general considered to be an expensive folly. The business… Continue reading Are Airspace Users Really the Centre of ANSP Attention?

An Opportunity We Should not Miss!

I was talking to an old time, well respected colleague the other day discussing his view that instead of forcing the industry to implement yet another expensive capability, full use should be made of what was already there… Once the benefits start to accrue, airspace users would be much more inclined to take the extra… Continue reading An Opportunity We Should not Miss!

New clouds on the Mode-S/ADS-B horizon in Europe

Most of those who took part in the epic battle over the introduction of Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) have either retired, moved to other activities or flew west to greener pastures but I guess there is still a hard core who will remember how the airspace users lost that one to the three big… Continue reading New clouds on the Mode-S/ADS-B horizon in Europe

Shorter night routes in FABEC – is this an achievement?

Working in air traffic management on occasion one gets the impression that a lot of people have very short memories. Take for instance the proud announcement from FABEC (Functional Airspace Block Europe Central) to the effect that as part of the harmonization of European airspace, shorter night routes are being offered on 115 cross-border connections.… Continue reading Shorter night routes in FABEC – is this an achievement?

Why lower delays are a problem for developments in air traffic management – a diabolical reality

Aviation is a cyclical business and it is only recently that airlines are managing, to a certain extent, to smooth the worst of the boom and bust swings. In the past, aircraft were ordered at a prodigious rate when business was booming only to see the additional capacity materialize exactly when business started to go… Continue reading Why lower delays are a problem for developments in air traffic management – a diabolical reality

Use of selected altitude by ATC

News from EUROCONTROL’s aviation safety knowledge base SKYbrary. The ability of a controller to see the selected altitude set by the flight crew gives him the ability to intervene when, for whatever reason, the selected altitude does not match the clearance. This greatly reduces the chance of a level bust. Read the full article here.

Will public funds be available to help SESAR along?

If nothing else, the recent wholesale grounding of aviation in Europe will have been an eye opener even to the most recalcitrant and aircraft hating citizens and politicians of the old continent. Some people still tend to regard aviation as a toy of the rich and transport for holidaymakers which damages the environment and should… Continue reading Will public funds be available to help SESAR along?

Whatever happened to (the benefits of) Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS)?

Though there are few who will not be familiar with the term Mode S Enhanced Surveillance, let me quickly recap. Mode S is a legacy, ground based surveillance system which has a rudimentary data link capability. It is this latter that was being pushed in the 90s as a solution to all ills of air… Continue reading Whatever happened to (the benefits of) Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS)?