Volcano kicks European ATM cooperation into high gear

In the past, programs to improve European air traffic management went under the name EATCHIP (1 to many) and the results were meager at best. More recently we got the Single European Sky (SES 1 and now 2) and of course SESAR. Introduction of SES was a major problem even for the European Commission powerhouse… Continue reading Volcano kicks European ATM cooperation into high gear

FAA releases final rule on ADS-B

It has been some time in coming, but finally here it is, the FAA’s final rule on ADS-B. This final rule amends FAA regulations by adding equipage requirements and performance standards for Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS–B) Out avionics on aircraft operating in Classes A, B, and C airspace, as well as certain other specified classes… Continue reading FAA releases final rule on ADS-B

SWIM-SUIT final User Forum – 24-25 June 2010, Rome, Italy

System Wide Information Management (SWIM) is one of the mainstays of both SESAR and NextGen. SWIM is the set of institutional arrangements, rules, roles and responsibilities, applications and networks that enable information sharing and the common situational awareness, among others things, that are essential for developing the future net-centric air traffic management system. SWIM-SUIT, an… Continue reading SWIM-SUIT final User Forum – 24-25 June 2010, Rome, Italy

Anniversary – World AIS Day

15 May 2010 World AIS Day The Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) were adopted by the ICAO Council 57 years ago tomorrow, 15 May 2010. These SARPS are in Annex 15 to the Chicago Convention and 15 May is celebrated by the AIS community as “World AIS Day”. The aeronautical information… Continue reading Anniversary – World AIS Day

RTCA NextGen TF report and the FAA's response

RTCA Task Force 5 or by its more catchy title RTCA NextGen Mid-Term Implementation Task Force published its final report on 9 September 2009. This report is in fact a set of recommendations formulated on the basis of industry consensus and is concerned with the improvements desired in the US air transportation system in the… Continue reading RTCA NextGen TF report and the FAA's response

Take Part in Three Days of NextGen Keynotes and Panel Discussions

Participate in 11 Technical Sessions Focusing on Key NextGen Topics — from Near to Far Term. This Opportunity Only Occurs Once a Year. Spend time exploring NextGen Exhibits such as the FAA Data Communications exhibit, which invites ICNS conference attendees to participate in a hands-on pilot/controller simulation, highlighting the many benefits of digital data exchange… Continue reading Take Part in Three Days of NextGen Keynotes and Panel Discussions

EUROCONTROL reorganizing – is this good for you?

Visiting EUROCONTROL these days is a bit like entering a five star hotel during off-season in a bad year. Empty offices at every turn and talk in the corridors that tends to focus more on individual futures than on trajectory based operations and other exotic ideas. Yes, EUROCONTROL is reorganizing (again…) but they are also… Continue reading EUROCONTROL reorganizing – is this good for you?

Flying AIRE – the pilot's view

AIRE (Atlantic Interoperability Initiative to Reduce Emissions) is a joint initiative between the European Commission and the FAA. It is the green component of the SESAR programme. In 2009, 1,152 flight trials in operational conditions were carried out on the European side. Claude Godel was the Pilot in Command of the first complete green transatlantic… Continue reading Flying AIRE – the pilot's view

ICNS 2010 Technical Program Announced

ICNS has announced the 2010 Technical Program.  Included is everything you need to know to stay in sync with the newest topics in NextGen. There will be 91 technical papers in 11 information packed sessions led by noted experts. Session A – Data Communications: Dr. Michael Schnell, DLR German Aerospace Center and Mr. Brent Phillips,… Continue reading ICNS 2010 Technical Program Announced

SWIM – How much information should we be sharing?

I would like to propose a simple rule: anybody asking how much information we should be sharing in air traffic management should have their Christmas bonus cancelled… Here is why.   System Wide Information Management (SWIM) is the concept and set of rules, procedures and other needed elements that underpin the net-centric approach of the… Continue reading SWIM – How much information should we be sharing?