Recat – What is this?

What if you had a magic wand and by simply waving it, you could create a new runway at your congested airport? Well, Recat which stands for Recategorization of ICAO wake turbulence standards does just that. Not by actually pouring new concrete but by creating additional capacity that, at some airports, creates additional capacity that… Continue reading Recat – What is this?

The TITAN project – one year down the road

I have always wondered whether passengers notice the organized chaos that characterizes aircraft at the gate, getting ready for its next trip. Whether it is a 737 operated by a low-cost carrier getting turned around in as little as 20 minutes or a 747 heading to the other side of the world and readied for… Continue reading The TITAN project – one year down the road

Performance and its measurement – some coaching aspects

The author is a member of the Business Coach Association in Hungary. More information about the Association is available here (the English language page is under construction). I don’t think anyone having worked as a manager for any company in any profile whatsoever has had the luck to avoid being the target, or the executor, of PERFORMANCE-MEASURMENT (PM).… Continue reading Performance and its measurement – some coaching aspects