Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers Phraseology Study

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), together with the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) and the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA), jointly prepared an on-line survey regarding communication issues, focusing on the non-use of ICAO standard phraseology. Separate surveys for both airline Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) were… Continue reading Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers Phraseology Study

English in the Aviation Sector: Languagelab.com and Emery-Roberts tackle the problem head on

See special offer for Roger-Wilco readers at the end of this article. Following several high-profile accidents, multiple incidents and near-misses as a result of inadequate language proficiency, ICAO has set a minimum level of English for all pilots and air traffic controllers providing services to international flights. In response, many online language learning tools have… Continue reading English in the Aviation Sector: Languagelab.com and Emery-Roberts tackle the problem head on

The Great SID/STAR Phraseology Fiasco (part 2)

Back in February 2011 I reported in this Blog on a particularly silly state of affairs. Pilots and controllers had got used to a simple rule where ‘each clearance replaces the old’. This means that in a clearance, such as ‘cleared FL 150, 200 or below 20 miles before X’, the constraint ‘below 20 miles… Continue reading The Great SID/STAR Phraseology Fiasco (part 2)