Pioneering and progressing: Assessing the progress of SESAR with Florian Guillermet

The SESAR programme was launched on 3 June 2009. Now almost two years since its launch, It’s a good time to take stock of the status of the programme’s 300 projects, assess progress in the execution of the first SESAR release and the first project deliverables. In a short interview, Florian Guillermet, SESAR JU Chief… Continue reading Pioneering and progressing: Assessing the progress of SESAR with Florian Guillermet

A first SESAR release in 2011 – WHAT?

One of the products in the run-up to the SESAR world was/is the ATM Master Plan, setting out the when and the how of new air traffic management improvements for Europe. Based on this plan, there are several lower level thingies called implementation packages which show in more detail what will be done and when.… Continue reading A first SESAR release in 2011 – WHAT?