Test your knowledge of airport characteristics!

Fact: there are on average more than two runway incursion events in Europe every day. A lot of effort is going into eliminating the reasons for runway incursions… These range from improving procedures to increasing awareness of pilots, air traffic controllers and ground vehicle drivers of the dangers a runway represents. Now you too can… Continue reading Test your knowledge of airport characteristics!

Multiple Line-ups on the Same Runway

News from EUROCONTROL’s aviation safety knowledge base SKYbrary. Multiple line-ups is a technique employed at some busy airports to expedite the departure of aircraft from the runway. It concerns departing aircraft being instructed to line-up on the same runway at different positions using different access taxiways and is a significant capacity enabler when implemented in… Continue reading Multiple Line-ups on the Same Runway

Great potential in addressing the quality of the runways

Armann Norheim, Rapporteur of the ICAO Friction Task Force speaks to Bryan Camoens on the issues facing airfields around the globe, wet weather conditions and how maintainence and planning schedules should be set. Bryan Camoens: What are some of the issues that airfields are facing across the globe? Armann Norheim: Increased focus on safety areas… Continue reading Great potential in addressing the quality of the runways

Goodies for the fight against runway incursions

Although we hear the word runway excursion more often these days than runway incursion, these latter remain a problem and constant efforts are required to maintain the awareness of the dangers involved in stumbling on an active runway without clearance. Training of pilots, air traffic controllers and vehicle drivers is essential of course. Additionally, posters… Continue reading Goodies for the fight against runway incursions

Airfield Engineering Asset Maintenance – A sector report

This article was compiled by Bryan Camoens and Ed Haines for the Airfield Engineering and Asset Maintenance 2011 Conference. You can contact Bryan here. To visit the conference web-site, click here. Airport engineers, operational and maintenance heads are working under extremely challenging operational scheduling and cost constraints. In addition new, larger aircraft types and higher… Continue reading Airfield Engineering Asset Maintenance – A sector report

Unveiling the Matrix

Interesting material from the Flight Safety Foundation. As is often the case with a tragic event, the Midway accident drove regulators to search for deficiencies within their own policies and guidance. A new tool for assessing and reporting runway condition is informally called the “Runway Condition Matrix.” Read more about it here.

Via bends and kinks to Honolulu

The shortest route to HNL There are many ways of flying from Brussels to Honolulu and the travel time is in excess of twenty hours in all cases. You might say that it does not matter since no sane person would want to do a trip like that in one stretch but in case you… Continue reading Via bends and kinks to Honolulu

Aircraft based tools in the fight against runway incursions

Aircraft-based airport surface traffic indications and alerting systems This is an edited version of the presentation made at the recent ESAVS 2010 conference by Doug Arbuckle of the FAA. Coauthors of the paper were David E. Gray of FAA, Peter Moertl of Mitre Corporation and Jim Duke of SAIC. You can download the original text of… Continue reading Aircraft based tools in the fight against runway incursions

The communications related aspects of runway incursions

More than two incursions a day… Few other incidents return with the grim and persistent regularity of runway incursions. A lot of effort by all concerned has resulted in a reduction of the total number of incidents but there are still, on average, more than two runway incursions in Europe per day. Clearly, there remains… Continue reading The communications related aspects of runway incursions

New tools in the arsenal to prevent runway incursions – RWSL and FAROS

Although take-offs and a landing from and on taxiways had filled the news recently, the problem of runway incursions is much more of a problem and in spite of major efforts on the part of all concerned, pilots, air traffic controllers and ground vehicle drivers, it refuses to go away. Not that there are no… Continue reading New tools in the arsenal to prevent runway incursions – RWSL and FAROS