Volcano kicks European ATM cooperation into high gear

In the past, programs to improve European air traffic management went under the name EATCHIP (1 to many) and the results were meager at best. More recently we got the Single European Sky (SES 1 and now 2) and of course SESAR. Introduction of SES was a major problem even for the European Commission powerhouse… Continue reading Volcano kicks European ATM cooperation into high gear

Successful "Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Workshop" in Budapest

Although the concept of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) is generally known, when it comes to filling in the details, there is a lot of uncertainty, misunderstandings and even diverging views on what exactly should we understand under PBN. Big organizations like ICAO and EUROCONTROL are doing their best to clarify things but clearly, more is… Continue reading Successful "Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Workshop" in Budapest

Single Sky Committee unanimously supports Aeronautical Data and Information Quality (ADQ) Implementing Rule

The drive is on to transform Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) into Aeronautical Information Management (AIM). This is needed to set the scene for the introduction of System Wide Information Management (SWIM), the ultimate goal of the activity. The change from AIS to AIM is primarily the morphing of the traditional, package based aeronautical information system… Continue reading Single Sky Committee unanimously supports Aeronautical Data and Information Quality (ADQ) Implementing Rule

New directions for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) – a detailed example

If you have read my article on the New Directions for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM), you will be interested in this narrative description of the envisaged working of the expanded CDM concept. I do strongly recommend that you read the New Directions article first! The example used is that of a departing flight. It… Continue reading New directions for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) – a detailed example