SWIM – Live success at World ATM Congress

During 3 closed-out demonstration sessions, SESAR partners met at World ATM Congress to demonstrate live the agility and flexibility System Wide Information Management (SWIM) can bring. “Now I understand what SWIM is all about” “SWIM is becoming a reality” “Excellent demonstration!” “This demonstration has shown that with very little effort you can interconnect many different… Continue reading SWIM – Live success at World ATM Congress

The Mortal Sin of not Taking CPDLC Seriously

CPDLC… Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications. It all started when experts predicted that with the increasing demand, congestion on the air traffic control frequencies will make communications impossible and hence a cap will have to be put on the number of aircraft being served simultaneously, severely restricting ATC capacity. CPDLC is in fact non-verbal communications… Continue reading The Mortal Sin of not Taking CPDLC Seriously

Will EUROCONTROL's New DG Rebuild an Old Dream?

Once upon a time, EUROCONTROL had been created to be the air navigation service provider for Europe. Operating a limited number of air traffic control centers, a research institute and a training facility, it would have been the key to an efficient set up not unlike what we find in the United States. Unfortunately, before… Continue reading Will EUROCONTROL's New DG Rebuild an Old Dream?

TITAN Final Workshop

Those of you who have followed the evolution of the TITAN project on the pages of Roger-Wilco will be familiar with the aims and development methodology of this trend-setting EC 7th framework project. Building on the achievements of Airport Collaborative Decision Making systems (A-CDM), TITAN had set out to show how aircraft turnaround can be… Continue reading TITAN Final Workshop

Is there a future for the FABs?

In view of the huge effort that went into creating at least the legal framework for the nine Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) and the recent hard words from the industry blasting states and the European Commission for the failure of the FABs to deliver anything really useful by the December 4 deadline, the question in… Continue reading Is there a future for the FABs?

SWIM is more than an acronym

Major progress has been made with SESAR’s System Wide Information Management (SWIM), the intranet of the future Air Traffic Management System. At the 2nd SWIM Demonstration day, on 15 November 2012, airports, weather & volcanic ash information providers, airlines and air traffic control centres were able to exchange information instantaneously. This technical demonstration proved the… Continue reading SWIM is more than an acronym

With SESAR, green flights become a reality

Surfing on the success of two previous waves of demonstrations under the AIRE initiative, Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) is co-financing a third series of pre-operational demonstration projects to accelerate adoption of environmentally friendly Air Traffic Management (ATM) operations.  After more than 10.000 green commercial flights, this new AIRE wave raises… Continue reading With SESAR, green flights become a reality

A Pragmatic Approach to modernising Europe’s Air Traffic Management Systems – SJU Press Release

Just a few days after the rather damning speeach of the European Commission’s Transport Commissioner, blasting Europe for 10 years of essential inaction on the Single European Sky (SES), the SESAR Joint Undertaking published the press release you can find below. The SJU strikes a rather more optimistic tone although the dissonance between these two… Continue reading A Pragmatic Approach to modernising Europe’s Air Traffic Management Systems – SJU Press Release

Storm rising?

If you read the official communiqués from SESAR and EUROCONTROL, it is easy to be lulled into the perception that all is well on the European air traffic management front and we are more than ready to face any sudden jump in traffic demand. If, on the other hand, you listen to the jungle telegraph… Continue reading Storm rising?