Glossary of Air Traffic Management terms and definitions

Ever since my first tentative steps into the world of ICAO provisions and the hard learned lessons about the need to use terminology properly even to a fault, I had this thing about texts that were lax and inconsistent in terminology use. To put it bluntly, I hated them. Not only do they fail to… Continue reading Glossary of Air Traffic Management terms and definitions

Energy, the environment and hot air

    Protecting the environment and using energy sustainably are both of great importance for Europe and the world. The SESAR Programme for ATM has, as one of its business objectives; “Reducing the environmental impact per flight by 10%”. Other European initiatives such as ACARE and Clean Sky aim at improving the efficiency and reducing… Continue reading Energy, the environment and hot air

Staff associations officially involved in SESAR – essential but…

As made known by SESAR News 2, five major staff associations representing a wide range of professional operational and technical skills across the ATM domains (e.g. pilots, air traffic controllers and assistants, handling staff, flight and air traffic safety electronics engineers etc.) are currently signing framework contracts with the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) through EUROCONTROL… Continue reading Staff associations officially involved in SESAR – essential but…

Interesting people, unusual flight plans…

Patrick Ky – From Wissous to the helm of SESAR Patrick Ky is the Executive Director of the SESAR Joint Undertaking. What were you dreaming of becoming when you were a kid? At first I was dreaming of becoming a football star! In time this changed to pilot… I wanted to be a commercial pilot.… Continue reading Interesting people, unusual flight plans…

TITAN Kicks into high gear

After several months of careful preparation, TITAN, a project in the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme, kicked into high gear on 3 December 2009 when the TITAN Consortium held the kick-off meeting at INECO’s premises in Madrid. The name TITAN stands for “Turn-round Integration in Trajectory and Network”. The project will analyze the aircraft turn-round process… Continue reading TITAN Kicks into high gear

My FAB my Castle – is there hope for the European air traffic management enterprise?

I guess from a purely political point of view, criticizing the Functional Airspace Block (FAB) concept is probably not correct. I will not criticize the FABs. What I will do is share a few thoughts with you and also raise a few questions. Who knows, someone may even have the answers. So what is a… Continue reading My FAB my Castle – is there hope for the European air traffic management enterprise?

U.K. airspace "developments"?

A short article in Aviation Week and Space Technology caught my eye the other day. “Restructuring U.K. Skies” was the title and it announced that the U.K.’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) was beginning the process of defining airspace out to 2030, with industry-wide dialogue to begin in 2010. I counted the number of times the… Continue reading U.K. airspace "developments"?

SITA selected to provide PENS – but SWIM is more than just ANSPs!

Those of our readers who have looked at the various postings on System Wide Information Management (SWIM) will be familiar with the abbreviation PENS which stands for “Pan European Network Service”. PENS will allow air navigation service providers from 38 countries to exchange operational data communications across a common network for the first time. Following… Continue reading SITA selected to provide PENS – but SWIM is more than just ANSPs!

Aircraft Operational Fuel Savings & Noise Reduction – Past and Future

The way pilots fly their aircraft can have a significant effect on the economics, fuel consumption and environmental performance of their airline. Many airlines and Air Navigation Service Providers are working on Constant Descent Approaches (CDAs) but to do these it is necessary to have well motivated pilots, good operating procedures and efficient ATM procedures.… Continue reading Aircraft Operational Fuel Savings & Noise Reduction – Past and Future