EUROCONTROL will forgive me for quoting here from the latest issue of Skyway magazine, which focuses on airspace users. Here is what they have to say in the introduction: With the onset of the Single European Sky performance scheme, collaborative decision making, the business and mission trajectories as defined by the SESAR program and a… Continue reading Déjà Vu
European Air Traffic Management – A historic clash of concept and politics
Although you would never know it from reading the rather upbeat communications from the Functional Airspace Block (FAB) and SESAR folks, ATM in Europe is heading towards some major turbulence. That the EC’s Single Sky Committee very nearly managed to kick the deadline of meeting the Single Sky (SES) high-level goals a further 13 years… Continue reading European Air Traffic Management – A historic clash of concept and politics
An Air Traffic Management Master Plan with Question Marks
If you follow European air traffic management developments, you will have noticed in the news that the ATM Master Plan is undergoing a significant update and the SESAR ATM Master Plan portal promises to have new information on this by mid-2012. About now that is… There was less discussion about interesting events surrounding the Master… Continue reading An Air Traffic Management Master Plan with Question Marks
Boeing joins SESAR as an Associate Partner to SELEX
Boeing and SELEX Sistemi Integrati, S.p.A – a Finmeccanica company- have entered into a collaboration agreement in support of the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) program’s development phase Boeing will cooperate with SELEX Sistemi Integrati with research in flight data modeling and data link communications for all phases of flight, and system-wide information management (SWIM).… Continue reading Boeing joins SESAR as an Associate Partner to SELEX
Is SESAR Doomed to Fail?
As some of us will remember, SESAR is not the first attempt to remedy the sad state of air traffic management in Europe. Think EATCHIP and ATM2000+… This latter was especially significant, since the ministers of transport of all ECAC States had signed off on it, promising to implement what was required to make the… Continue reading Is SESAR Doomed to Fail?
4D Trajectory Management – What is this?
The problem with traditional systems In the traditional scheme of things, an aircraft will file a flight plan, containing a rather rudimentary description of its intentions. Air traffic management and air traffic control organizations then decipher the plan and create a trajectory for the flight as best they can… Very often this is but a… Continue reading 4D Trajectory Management – What is this?
ASBU – What is this?
ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades Although air traffic demand is not growing evenely everywhere, almost no part of the world is without some kind of air traffic management modernization project. In terms of overall cutting edge concepts and technology plans, the US, Europe and Japan are the undisputed leaders. At the same time, other regions… Continue reading ASBU – What is this?
Consultation on the Updated European ATM Master Plan Launched
The SESAR JU has handed over the final draft of the European ATM Master Plan Update to the members of its Administrative Board on 10 May 2012. This very important revision is the result of an intensive six months update campaign involving about 30 representatives from all air transport sectors gathered in the Master Planning… Continue reading Consultation on the Updated European ATM Master Plan Launched
European ATM Blasted Again
One of the many yardsticks you can use to measure the passage of time is the frequency you encounter air traffic management experts who stare at you as if you were from the moon when you mention EATCHIP or ATM2000+. Yes, there is a whole new generation of experts working at the air navigation service… Continue reading European ATM Blasted Again
Free flight…or…Flight of Fancy?
If you utter the words ”free flight” these days, a number of interesting reactions are likely. These can range from blank stares via violent reactions to sad headshaking. On one occasion somebody actually asked me.…”But you still have to pay airport taxes…?” But jokes apart, there are plenty of experts who will remember how much… Continue reading Free flight…or…Flight of Fancy?