Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles – 2011 (ESAV '11)

Island of Capri, Italy 12-14 September 2011 Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems and airport systems are rapidly evolving to meet increased efficiency, safety, security, environmental and business demands. A deep evolution with radical changes of the current Air Traffic Management System is going on both in Europe, with the SESAR program, and in the USA… Continue reading Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles – 2011 (ESAV '11)

Pioneering and progressing: Assessing the progress of SESAR with Florian Guillermet

The SESAR programme was launched on 3 June 2009. Now almost two years since its launch, It’s a good time to take stock of the status of the programme’s 300 projects, assess progress in the execution of the first SESAR release and the first project deliverables. In a short interview, Florian Guillermet, SESAR JU Chief… Continue reading Pioneering and progressing: Assessing the progress of SESAR with Florian Guillermet

Low Fare Airlines – ATM Nightmare of the Future?

There are two distinct schools of thought about how low fare airlines will evolve in the future. According to departing IATA boss Bisignani talking to Aviation Week, in Europe the model used by the low cost carriers, namely opening new point to point connections to secondary airports, will run out of steam within a year… Continue reading Low Fare Airlines – ATM Nightmare of the Future?

Fly4D takes off

The Fly4D consortium – led by Airbus with Cassidian, Honeywell, Lufthansa Systems and Sabre Airline Solutions– has been awarded a contract to perform SESAR sub-work package 11.1 (Flight and Wing Operations Centres). This challenging work addresses the definition, the development and the validation of Airspace User’s future flight planning and control systems and procedures in… Continue reading Fly4D takes off

The misunderstanding of the decade or sloppy terminology?

Buzzwords are powerful things. They can be dropped in speeches and writing almost at random and the casual audience or reader will be suitably impressed. Luckily they seldom bother to ask the author for an explanation of his favorite buzzwords… Our little air traffic management world of to-day has lots of buzzwords but my all… Continue reading The misunderstanding of the decade or sloppy terminology?

If you are delayed – now at least you can watch a SESAR video

A few days ago my attention was directed to a new video produced by SESAR. It was tagged: watch this video to see the future of flying. Perhaps a bit too lofty a claim for SESAR but ok, enthusiasm is not a bad thing. What struck me first and foremost was the dynamism of the… Continue reading If you are delayed – now at least you can watch a SESAR video

When Titans speak

Mid-March Aviation Week published a double interview in which Canso director general Graham Lake and Air Traffic Control Association president/CEO Peter F. Dumont spoke their minds about air traffic management developments on both sides of the Atlantic. The interviews were refreshing and revealing. They both spoke about the prospects of SESAR and NextGen frankly and… Continue reading When Titans speak

Big brother in the sky

Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) is only now starting to make inroads as a surveillance means more accurate and cost-effective than traditional radar. With the ground infrastructure slowly being built, someone has already come up with a new idea: why not put the ADS-B receivers on satellites and start a surveillance service that covers… Continue reading Big brother in the sky

HungaroControl has opened its Centre of Research, Development and Simulation

Central-Europe’s only simulation centre is operating under the aegis of HungaroControl from 10th of May in Budapest. The centre, equipped with state of the art technology, was opened by Mr. Pál Völner, Secretary of State responsible for infrastructure, Mr. Joe Sultana, COO of Directorate Network Management of EUROCONTROL (European Organization for the Safety of Air… Continue reading HungaroControl has opened its Centre of Research, Development and Simulation