I would like to propose a simple rule: anybody asking how much information we should be sharing in air traffic management should have their Christmas bonus cancelled… Here is why. System Wide Information Management (SWIM) is the concept and set of rules, procedures and other needed elements that underpin the net-centric approach of the… Continue reading SWIM – How much information should we be sharing?
Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) – History and current practice
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE The concept of Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) was originally defined in the United States by a group of airlines, led by US Air, in response to what the airlines perceived as inadequate co-operation between airports, the FAA and the airlines themselves. They formed the so called CDM Group, members of which visited several… Continue reading Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) – History and current practice
The transition from AIS through AIM to IM – What is this?
A global congress with this title will make even the aficionados of abbreviations shiver… AIS, AIM, IM… What is next? UR? Well, the funny thing is, the title is perfectly correct and abbreviations or not, it reflects one of the most profound changes ever in the way information is collected, promulgated and used in international… Continue reading The transition from AIS through AIM to IM – What is this?
NOTAM goes digital
What is a NOTAM? There are a few things in aviation that have survived over the years with so little change as the NOTAM, in spite of its numerous, known shortcomings. NOTAM is a quasi-acronym for Notice to Airmen, a system of providing aeronautical information introduced well over 60 years ago. NOTAMs… we have all… Continue reading NOTAM goes digital
EUROCONTROL winter feature – the digital SNOWTAM trial
Winter is coming… After the earlier digital NOTAM trials organized by EUROCONTROL and the FAA, it is now time for trials with the digital SNOWTAM. The trials will run until March 2010 with the participation of several airports, airlines, NOTAM offices and the European AIS Data Base (EAD).
SITA selected to provide PENS – but SWIM is more than just ANSPs!
Those of our readers who have looked at the various postings on System Wide Information Management (SWIM) will be familiar with the abbreviation PENS which stands for “Pan European Network Service”. PENS will allow air navigation service providers from 38 countries to exchange operational data communications across a common network for the first time. Following… Continue reading SITA selected to provide PENS – but SWIM is more than just ANSPs!
Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) – what is this?
We have all grown up with the idea that airspace was the most important single thing aircraft needed. While it is true that aircraft need both air (in which the wings can generate lift) and space (the room to move around in) but airspace? This word has grown over the years and held us hostage… Continue reading Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) – what is this?
Passengers are not the only ones who need good communications – pilots do too!
Few parts of aircraft have evolved as little as the communications capability. OK, we no longer use tubes in the radios but other than that, the VHF AM system is as legacy as they come. To add insult to injury, when the shortage of frequencies in the aviation band finally forced the industry to do… Continue reading Passengers are not the only ones who need good communications – pilots do too!
Single Sky Committee unanimously supports Aeronautical Data and Information Quality (ADQ) Implementing Rule
The drive is on to transform Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) into Aeronautical Information Management (AIM). This is needed to set the scene for the introduction of System Wide Information Management (SWIM), the ultimate goal of the activity. The change from AIS to AIM is primarily the morphing of the traditional, package based aeronautical information system… Continue reading Single Sky Committee unanimously supports Aeronautical Data and Information Quality (ADQ) Implementing Rule
System Wide Information Management (SWIM) – Here and now
That in ATM we are only now taking the first tentative steps to set the scene for the implementation of System Wide Information Management (SWIM) is not due in any way to SWIM being so complicated, it needing rocket science or yet to be invented technologies. Many an “expert” would make you believe this to… Continue reading System Wide Information Management (SWIM) – Here and now