We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past, and we must respect the past, knowing that once it was all that was humanly possible. George Santayana
Tag: time
4D Trajectory Management – What is this?
The problem with traditional systems In the traditional scheme of things, an aircraft will file a flight plan, containing a rather rudimentary description of its intentions. Air traffic management and air traffic control organizations then decipher the plan and create a trajectory for the flight as best they can… Very often this is but a… Continue reading 4D Trajectory Management – What is this?
Alternate Position, Navigation and Timing (APNT) – What is this?
In any conversation about satellite navigation and the use of enablers like GPS, talk inevitably shifts to the risks and the ease with which GPS for instance can be jammed. It is easy to sketch doomsday scenarios with a full-scale GPS outage once NextGen and SESAR are operational, making the industry essentially dependent on signals… Continue reading Alternate Position, Navigation and Timing (APNT) – What is this?
The Grand Design
By Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow Publisher: Bantam Books ISBN : 978-0-553-80537-6 If you have read and liked “A Short History of Time” from Hawking, you will love his new book, “The Grand Design”, co-written with California Institute of Technology physicist Mlodinow. Few scientists combine the ability to come up with totally new ideas of… Continue reading The Grand Design
Aircraft guy saving Ford. The key? Shared information!
I remember clearly how surprised I was to read a while back that Boeing’s Alan Mulally, after 37 years with the aircraft maker, went to head up the Ford Motor Company in Detroit. While still with Boeing, Alan gave the impression that he was an aircraft guy through and through and in fact he kept… Continue reading Aircraft guy saving Ford. The key? Shared information!
Quote of September 2010
Reason, too late perhaps, may convince you of the folly of misspending time. George Washington
GDP and the Key Performance Indicators of air traffic management
Time magazine in their 2 November issue published a very interesting essay. The author, Steven Faris, argues that using GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to judge how well a country was doing is wrong and misleading. The idea behind GDP was only to show how much money is changing hands, nothing more, nothing less. Should we… Continue reading GDP and the Key Performance Indicators of air traffic management
Impressions – time-warp in the departure hall
Those who travel a lot, and most of us aviation types do, know the feeling. Waiting in the departure hall for you connection, for your delayed flight, for zillions of other reasons. You can of course work, eat, buy presents but whatever you do, time always seems to slow to a crawl. Time is relative…… Continue reading Impressions – time-warp in the departure hall