4D Trajectory Management – What is this?

The problem with traditional systems In the traditional scheme of things, an aircraft will file a flight plan, containing a rather rudimentary description of its intentions. Air traffic management and air traffic control organizations then decipher the plan and create a trajectory for the flight as best they can… Very often this is but a… Continue reading 4D Trajectory Management – What is this?

Effective Data Communications for NextGen

Beneficial Capabilities Air traffic service (ATS) data communications provide benefits in terms of increased airspace capacity and improved operational efficiency while also enhancing the existing high level of safety. • Increased airspace capacity. In continental/domestic airspace, capacity is primarily increased through basic controller-pilot datalink communications (CPDLC) that reduce controller and flight crew workload as well… Continue reading Effective Data Communications for NextGen

4D Flight, a SESAR First

Only two and a half years into active SESAR development work, today the first initial four dimensional (I-4D) trajectory flight successfully took place. Thanks to the complementary expertise of the involved SESAR members (Airbus, Eurocontrol, Honeywell, Indra, NORACON , and Thales), the Airbus A320 test aircraft taking off from Toulouse to Copenhagen and Stockholm, successfully… Continue reading 4D Flight, a SESAR First

Heads up – Sub-orbital flights are coming

Curacao, Changi, Spaceport America, Zaragoza, Lelystad… What is common among these airports? Seemingly nothing but do not be misled by appearances. All these airports are getting ready to launch and receive sub-orbital flights in the not too distant future. While our industry is still trying to figure out how to integrate Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)… Continue reading Heads up – Sub-orbital flights are coming

Air Traffic Control – Your Safety in the Air? Or something more…

Back in the early 70s I was the vice-president of the Hungarian Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (HATCA) and we were busy searching for a good slogan for the association. In the end, we decided to use an adapted version of the slogan put out by the Canadians: “Air Traffic Control means you will have a… Continue reading Air Traffic Control – Your Safety in the Air? Or something more…

Pioneering and progressing: Assessing the progress of SESAR with Florian Guillermet

The SESAR programme was launched on 3 June 2009. Now almost two years since its launch, It’s a good time to take stock of the status of the programme’s 300 projects, assess progress in the execution of the first SESAR release and the first project deliverables. In a short interview, Florian Guillermet, SESAR JU Chief… Continue reading Pioneering and progressing: Assessing the progress of SESAR with Florian Guillermet

Aircraft turnaround made visible from a TBO/SOA perspective

Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) are two concepts rather new to air traffic management (ATM) and apparently they continue to cause some head scratching when it comes to agreeing what TBO really means or how to define services in the ATM context. In this article I will attempt to explain a… Continue reading Aircraft turnaround made visible from a TBO/SOA perspective

BLUE MED FAB Newsletter Number 2 now available

BLUE MED is the Functional Airspace Block (FAB) being put together by the States in the Mediterranean Sea area and their naturally sunny disposition is amply reflected in their newsletters, of which the second is now available. FABs are exciting because the idea pre-dates SESAR and when we created the SESAR Concept of Operations it… Continue reading BLUE MED FAB Newsletter Number 2 now available

DSNA CEO says SESAR CONOPS was built on FABs from day one…

No Sir, it was NOT!!!! If ATC Global Insight is to be believed, Mr. Maurice Georges, CEO of French DSNA, said in Amsterdam that “The SESAR operational concept has been built on FABs from day one.” Well, I do not know which SESAR operational concept they use in France but the concept we wrote and… Continue reading DSNA CEO says SESAR CONOPS was built on FABs from day one…

First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011

At the biggest international Air Traffic Management exhibition, ATC Global being held this week in Amsterdam, the SESAR Joint Undertaking presents the first components of the future European ATM system. The aim of this first SESAR Release is to group projects and validation exercises and to start delivering together with the 49 SESAR members and… Continue reading First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011